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Sabai dee! June 10, 2006

Posted by Guido in General.

And welcome! This website is completely dedicated to our upcoming wedding. As more news comes available on our plans, you’ll be able to find it here. As everyone knows, our plans are slightly off the beaten track by having the wedding in Laos. Family and friends will hopefully join us from four different continents, so some planning and logistics are in order. Here is where you’ll get the latest info.

But for most people who are planning to attend, this trip will be more than just a wedding. It will also be a chance to travel in a unique part of the world or visit the home land. When will you get the chance to do that with your good friends or family? So here is where you will also be able to share you travel plans and tips and experiences and possibly start planning your trips together. You can expect lots of tips from Veo and me.

And last but not least, leave your comments on this site, let everyone know who you are, and start getting to know some people that you’ll meet at the wedding in Laos.